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Category Archives: OneNote

Office Online site has the 2007 Office look

The Microsoft Office Online site (link is to the Australian version) now is designed according to the ribbon-look that is a feature of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite of programs.

Getting organized using OneNote note flags

Chris Pratley is one of Microsoft’s developers of OneNote and the article below shows us how to make best use of OneNote’s flags – a very powerful feature that can do so much to help organise everything in OneNote.


Chris Pratley’s OneNote Blog : Getting organized using OneNote note flags

OneNote 12 features

webDotWiz is a OneNote user (not a heavy user but he would be if someone would donate him a TabletPC
Anyway, Chris Pratley, one of the design team for OneNote 12 (the next version) has plenty of info on his blog about new features, such as "no-brainer" tables.
Keep an eye on his blog for lots more.